  • 800288476
  • info@dubaiautismcenter.ae
  • Garhoud - Dubai
  • Internship

    Our internship program is currently on hold due to being fully occupied for the current year. We appreciate your interest and encourage you to check back for updates in the future.

    Internship at DAC

    Dubai Autism Center offers internship opportunities for students and professionals. We strongly believes that an internship is an important part of career preparation.

    We offer a supportive and respectful learning environment for our internees to work with our diverse and multilingual staff and gain experience. Efforts are made to ensure interns are exposed to different aspects of our services, and are even assigned projects to develop and complete to provide hands-on practical and meaningful opportunities to learn and also to contribute to our organization.

    Internship opportunities are available to assist us with classroom teaching, in providing therapy as an assistant to our qualified therapists, in taking children out on field trips, in research and documentation, and for administrative support.

    A certificate of internship is provided DAC if the internship is for a period of 3 to 12 weeks.

    Your Contact

    Community Outreach Coordinator
    Razan Qandil